Testifying before Sanhedrin 在犹太教宗教法庭作證

Testifying before Sanhedrin 在犹太教宗教法庭作證

Jennifer and Hon. David Kilgour, co-author of Bloody Harvest: Revised Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China, testifying about the persecution of Falun Gong in Sanhedrin, the ancient Jewish court system on February 18, 2008 in Israel. 曾錚與前加拿大國會議員、《關於指控中共摘取法轮功學員器官的獨立調查報告》(http://organharvestinvestigation.net/)作者大衛大衛·喬高2008年2月18日在犹太教宗教法庭(Sanhedrin)就中共迫害法輪功情況作證。— 在以色列

A Cottage in the Countryside 鄉間小屋

A Cottage in the Countryside 鄉間小屋

