【Cultivation Diary 修煉日記】Fundamental  Attachment 根本執著

【Cultivation Diary 修煉日記】Fundamental Attachment 根本執著

Yesterday, I suddenly realized that my fundamental attachment may not be with ego, but maybe my attachment to how others, especially how fellow cultivators, look at me.


Because of my mother's suppression of me when I was a child, I had always had low self-esteem, an inferior complex, and this was my biggest psychological obstacle before I started practicing Falun Gong.


After reading "Zhuan Falun", and understanding and accepting that "Zhen(truth, truthfulness) -Shan(compassion, benevolence)-Ren(forbearance, tolerance, endurance, patience) is the sole criterion to discern good and bad people", I was immediately freed from this inferiority complex. The relief and joy I felt at that time were beyond words.


However, some recent experiences and my mind activities have made me realize that I still care about what others think, only this time the "others" are fellow practitioners.


Because I believe that Falun Dafa is the truth, I had unknowingly taken the opinions of those who practice Falun Dafa as the standard by which I should be measured. That was why I was so perplexed by what others thought about me.


Seeing through this is another step to transcend my old self.


Finally, my heart was grounded, and I no longer had the "resentment" I had felt toward my fellow practitioners in my heart - because when I sought the approval of others, it was inevitable that I would feel resentment and aggression when others did not give it to me.


Fellow practitioners are not Falun Dafa. When I realized this, I felt so ensured, and my heart was so light again.


I no longer have pursuit either.


Letting go of attachment is the only way to ascend.


And it feels so good.


12/16/2021 *

Jennifer meditation on Oct. 6, 2020. Photo by Olivia Jingyi, member of Jilin Province Photographers Association of China. 曾錚在打坐,攝於2020年10月6日。攝影:吉林省攝影家協會成員 Olivia Jingyi

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