Fighting for Cultural Freedom 自由文化人

Fighting for Cultural Freedom 自由文化人

Jennifer and Roger Garside, a former British diplomat in Beijing, author of  "China After Mao" at the closing ceremony of the Debut Annual Conference of "The Chinese Cultural Freedom Movement" in Melbourne, Australia on Nov 28, 2006.

2006年11月28日,為期四天的「中國自由文化運動」首屆年會在澳大利亞墨爾本落下帷幕。英國作家、前駐京外交官蓋思德蓋思德在閉幕式上發言,稱「國際社會應對中共的崩潰做好準備。」 曾錚擔任現場口譯。(大紀元記者桑妮攝影)



Michelangelo Studies for the Last Judgment 米開郞基羅「末日審判」手稿

Michelangelo Studies for the Last Judgment 米開郞基羅「末日審判」手稿