All Yours 都是你的

All Yours 都是你的

The army is yours. The court is yours. The police is yours. The oil is yours. The enterprises are yours. The planes are yours. The communication channels are your. The roads are yours. The schools are yours. The textbooks are yours. The newspapers are yours. The banks are yours. The hospitals are yours. The land is yours. And it is you who told me that I should buy a house with all the money I earned in my entire life. After I die, my grave is also yours. 
However, you keep telling me that I am the master of this country.

Translated by Jennifer from the following Chinese text by some unknown Chinese netizen who jumped over the Great Fire Wall and posted this text on twitter.




People lining up in Beijing and waiting for up to 70 minutes to enter the subway station because of the tight security control before the 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.十九大進入倒計時,北京各大地鐵站因為安檢升級,市民被迫排長隊等候入站,車站內外人滿為患。(網路截圖)

Standing Ovation for Shen Yun​  爲神韻歡呼

Standing Ovation for Shen Yun​ 爲神韻歡呼

South Heaven Gate 銀松輕拂 南天門

South Heaven Gate 銀松輕拂 南天門