All in Life Stories 人生故事

My New Love Diary (2): Love, Free Choice and A Safe Harbor 我的新愛情日記(之二):愛與被愛,自由的選擇與「依附」

Therefore, on a sunny afternoon, under a grape trellis far from the hustle and bustle of the world, I made my vow and wish to him: "May Zhen-Shan-Ren and my love be with you forever.” 於是,在一個陽光明媚的下午,在一個遠離塵世喧囂的葡萄架下,我對他說出了自己的誓言與心願:「May Zhen-Shan-Ren and my love be with you forever (願『真善忍』及我的愛永遠伴隨你。)」