What Can the US and Other Countries Do Better with the Battle with the CCPVirus?

What Can the US and Other Countries Do Better with the Battle with the CCPVirus?

Yesterday someone asked me: What can the US do better with #COVID2019? I wanted to make a joke: They should have followed me on Twitter or Facebook from last December.

This is a joke, but this is also NOT a joke. I have shared information/reports/videos about the overcrowded hospitals, overwhelmed/collapsed medical system, lack of protection equipment, bodies piled in hospitals, overworked crematorium stuff, doctors’ death resulting from overwork, the dying out of the entire family, people jumping out of the building, children starved to death at home...etc. If they have followed me, they would have learned the seriousness of this issue much, much earlier.

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Look at the table I post here. China is the origin of this CCPVirus pandemic. However, its cases/million people and death toll/million people are much lower than almost all other countries. Its infection ratio is almost 20 times lower than that of Italy and Spain. 

If one has trusted the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s numbers, one would, of course, have gravely underestimated the situation. As a result, one cannot make the correct decision, either for his/her country, or for him/herself.

And this reflects another major problem: the so-called "mainstream" media are not doing their jobs. 

It's high time that governments around the world as well as the public start to find out which are the really trustworthy information sources and subscribe to them. 

Here I recommend (apart from myself):

The Epoch Times, NTD Television, China in Focus


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Transferwise 轉款:heavenlyriver9707@gmail.com 

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