Tiananmen of That Year 那一年的天安門

Tiananmen of That Year 那一年的天安門

By Ariel Tian Translated into English by Jennifer Zeng | 文:田甜 英文翻譯:曾錚

That summer, I came home from school and saw a lot of people on TV, tied up in white or red headscarves, saying they were on a hunger strike to protest.


I asked Dad what these people were doing, and Dad said it was the students in Beijing who were against corruption. I didn't understand, why were they protesting? Why do you have to go on a hunger strike? Don't we have a good life?


Then later, it was heard that these students started attacking the government, attacking the army, and killing the PLA who came to maintain order. I asked Dad again, why did these students kill? Dad said that maybe they were trying to do what was best for the country, but were being used by people with ulterior motives.


I thought it was horrible that these “people with ulterior motives" could take advantage of so many students who were fighting for the good of the country, and turn them into bad people. I told myself that when I grew up, I must not be taken advantage of by these “people with ulterior motives".


But who are those people who have ulterior motives?


That year was 1989, and I was 9 years old.


After that, I gradually forgot about those students. Then someday, I don't remember when, I was listening to some uncles, and they told me that university students in Beijing, especially students of Tsinghua University and Peking University, who graduated in 1989, were given very bad jobs that year. They also reminded me that I should never get involved in politics in the future, or it would be useless to go to Tsinghua or Peking University. I nodded and said I remembered.


At that time, I was practicing Falun Gong, which teaches truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, and I thought that it is absolutely impossible for someone with such a good heart to be used by someone with "ulterior motives”.


Later, another summer, I was at home waiting for my high school exam results when suddenly all the TV was cut off and all the channels began to carry important announcements: the Falun Gong organization was banned and the founder of Falun Gong was wanted.


At that time, I had been practicing Falun Gong for three years, only from the time I was preparing for the college entrance exam, I had stopped practicing it full-heartedly. The teacher took all the students who had once practiced Falun Gong in the school to talk to them, saying that the organization was being used by “people with ulterior motives" and that it was "besieging" Zhongnanhai.


I felt that the world has been turned upside down because even Falun Gong has been used by “people with ulterior motives". I was afraid of “people with ulterior motives", even though I had never met them and didn't know who they were or where they were.


How could those “people with ulterior motives" be so powerful?


With little inner struggle, I surrendered. I told the teacher, I would not practice Falun Gong anymore, we would all not practice anymore, will it not affect our college entrance exams?


My college entrance exams were not affected. I made the top ten of my grade of a few hundred students. I went to Xi'an, the capital city of the Tang Dynasty, and studied a major that I didn't like, but my parents said was hot and would do well for my future hunting: communications engineering.


The year was 1999, and I was 18 years old.


Then later, I worked. The company was hosting a big client, so I and another girl from the company hosted that client for a trip to Beijing.


I went to Beijing when I was 3-4 years old, and my dad bought me a toy phoenix crown at the Forbidden City, which I wore on my head and ran around happily when I suddenly bumped into a blonde aunt. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but I knew she liked me. That's when I fell in love with Beijing.


Now I was visiting Beijing again, the capital city of the Qing Dynasty. I had a feeling of coming home, this place was so intimate and familiar.


But one member of our troupe asked me a question that surprised me: what do you think of the Tiananmen incident? I asked, what Tiananmen incident? He said it was the Tiananmen incident in '89 when the PLA killed many students.


My brain started to short circuit a bit, what was he talking about? It was the students who killed the PLA, how could the PLA kill the students...


This must be the work of "people with ulterior motives" again, compelling the uninformed masses abroad... “People with ulterior motives" were so abominable ...

這一定又是“別有用心”的人幹的,蠱惑了國外不明真相的群眾... “別有用心”的人真可恶 ...

So, I came up with a "very clever" answer: "It's like parents and children, no matter how much parents hit their children, it's for the good of the children. Whatever the government does, it must be for the good of the Chinese people ..."

於是,我靈機一動,想出了一個“無比聰明”的回答:“這就像是父母和孩子,無論父母怎麼打孩子,都是為了孩子好。無論政府做了什麼,一定都是為了中國人民好 ...”

He glanced at me and said nothing more, and our conversation ended there. I was smug in my heart: it must be because I answered well that he didn't pursue the question again.


It just so happened recently that Liu Xin, host of CCTV International, and Trish Regan, hostess of Fox, were engaged in a debate over the topic of the US-China trade war. In the video circulated on the Internet, Liu Xin "won" the debate, returned home with a "proud" smile, saying: the American people have many misunderstandings about the Chinese people, I just want to express my thoughts. Liu Xin in the video always reminds me of the smug, complacent me.


That year was 2003, and I was 23.


Then later, I got into the Guanghua School of Management at Peking University and came to New York University as an exchange student. Before returning to China, out of curiosity, I checked all the sensitive words: Taiwan independence, Tibet independence, June 4, 1989, Tiananmen, Falun Gong...


And thus, the naked truths of all those years and all those things were exposed to me. I finally found out who those "people with ulterior motives" were, and what they had done over the years.


These "people with ulterior motives" labeled Falun Gong practitioners who diligently practice Buddhist qigong as “evil cult organization” members. Those who will not abandon their faith were thrown into labor camps and prisons, and subjected to brutal mental and physical persecution. Those who refused to reveal their identities as they didn't want to affect their families were blood tested and given a number, thus becoming a supplier for the living organ bank. A huge number of "political enemies" were thus turned into huge "national profits". They have portrayed believers who resist persecution and expose these crimes against humanity at home and abroad and those who do not want to have their conscience die, as "anti-Chinese forces". This is the truth of "Falun Gong".


That year was 2010, and I was 30 years old. 那一年,是2010年,我30歲。

It took me 30 years of "smart" ignorance to see the world as it really is. Miss World Canada Anastasia Lin said something that struck a chord with me: it's a profound shame to be lied to for so long.


I hope my children, our future generations, don't have to take so long and pay so much to live in a free and true world.


I hope Tiananmen in that year will be remembered forever by history, and by those who seek the truth.



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