At the Great Barrier Reef  如夢「海子」

At the Great Barrier Reef 如夢「海子」



浩瀚黌宮精靈游  絢爛長河漫漫攸
天心緣繫玉皇宮  紅鸞律引魂魄紬
碧翠澄澈戀深韻  鍾情醞藉如醉酒
斑斕豐濱何所求  如夢海子恁悠遊

A boy on a boat near Green Island, offshore from Cairns, Queensland, Australia located within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park World Heritage Area.  這就是澳洲著名旅遊勝地大堡礁的綠島了。綠島之名,當之無愧。水的顏色讓人想起九寨溝那夢一般的「海子」。九寨的夢移到澳洲,變得那麼遼闊而真實了呢!— 在 The Great Bar…

A boy on a boat near Green Island, offshore from Cairns, Queensland, Australia located within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park World Heritage Area.  這就是澳洲著名旅遊勝地大堡礁的綠島了。綠島之名,當之無愧。水的顏色讓人想起九寨溝那夢一般的「海子」。九寨的夢移到澳洲,變得那麼遼闊而真實了呢!— 在 The Great Barrier Reef 。


九評編輯部:魔鬼在統治著我們的世界 (2)

九評編輯部:魔鬼在統治著我們的世界 (2)

A Flying Seagull  翔

A Flying Seagull 翔