Shockwave of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's Death: End of Old Era, or Beginning of New One?

Shockwave of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's Death: End of Old Era, or Beginning of New One?

Li Keqiang's death shocked many and has raised some uncomfortable questions about the consolidation of power and future of China, reports author Jennifer Zeng.

By Jennifer Zeng

Former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's death has sent shockwaves through Chinese society. He passed away suddenly after only seven months out of office, drawing massive attention both domestically and abroad. 

With the cremation of his body, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities are forcibly seeking to quell this shockwave. Some lament that Li's passing marks the end of an era. But does it also herald the beginning of another?

Unexpectedness: The First of Three Anomalies Surrounding Li Keqiang's Death

The first reason for the shock among Chinese citizens at Li Keqiang's sudden demise lies in its unexpectedness. He was seen visiting Dunhuang just two months earlier on August 30. Footage from the scene showed him looking spirited and walking briskly, not at all like someone on the brink of death.

Also, compared to other CCP officials of his standing, he was still too young. For instance, Mao Zedong lived to 83, Deng Xiaoping to 92, and Jiang Zemin to 96. 

Looking at previous Chinese premiers, Zhou Enlai reached 78, Hua Guofeng 86, and Li Peng 90. Zhu Rongji is currently 95 and alive, and Wen Jiabao is 81 and also alive. 

Even the former Politburo Standing Committee member, Song Ping, is now 106 years old and still living. 

According to Li Keqiang himself…

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