What's Wrong with the CCP as Everyone Is Trying to Influencing Others? 每個國家都試圖影響他國,爲何只批評中共?

What's Wrong with the CCP as Everyone Is Trying to Influencing Others? 每個國家都試圖影響他國,爲何只批評中共?

These few days I attended quite a few events in Washington which discussed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s “influence and interfere” in the United States and other countries.


One of the arguments I heard was, “What’s wrong with CCP’s influence operations? Isn’t every country trying to influence other countries? Why do you make such a big deal with CCP’s influence operations?”


Because of the argument, some China experts even felt it was necessary to talk about the United States’ influence operations in other countries first in a apologetic tone, before they went on to talk about CCP’s influence operations.


For me, we just need to put it this way, “The CCP sends you a package; and I also send you a package. What’s the difference? Inside the CCP’s package are explosive devices and poisons; whilst what I send you are flowers. You tell me what’s the difference.”



Does everybody get it?


US Dissatisfied With Religious Freedom Around the World, Says Ambassador Brownback

US Dissatisfied With Religious Freedom Around the World, Says Ambassador Brownback

