A Mature Person 內心成熟之人

A Mature Person 內心成熟之人

The process of becoming mature is a process of understanding what is important, and what is not. Then, based on this understanding, eliminat the unimportant things and become a simple person. 
True maturity is in fact being simple.
A mature person knows how to live simply and take good care of his/her health.
A mature person knows to stay away from unless social (media) interactions and spend more time to enrich himself/herself.  
A mature person knows that life is hard and will therefore be very forgiving, caring very little about losses and gains, or who is right and who is wrong.
“A great way is extremely simple and easy.” May everyone become a mature person!

Adapted and translated by Jennifer from this article below 曾錚根據以下網文改寫並翻譯:




Studies of Five Figures by Francesco Granacci 格拉納齊手稿

Studies of Five Figures by Francesco Granacci 格拉納齊手稿

Studies of Francesco Granacci 格拉納齊手稿

Studies of Francesco Granacci 格拉納齊手稿