All tagged US Politics

George Soros vs BlackRock: The CCP’s Internal Struggles & Evergrande’s Executives Jumped Boat In Advance

It has always puzzled me, why was the US willing to launch a war against Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime when it was convinced that Iraq had chemical weapons of mass destruction, but is unwilling to do anything about the CCP when the CCP has been mass killing its own people for all these years? Why treat Saddam Hussein and the CCP differently? Why the double standard?

A Dangerous Trip: Then and Now, There and Here 危險的旅程:彼時此時,彼國此國

My heart sank when I learned this. How has America slipped into such status? Why does the US allow this to happen to its citizens and residents on American soil? 聽到這事時,我的心直往下沉。美國是怎樣滑到這一步的?美國爲何會允許這樣的事情發生在美國本土、發生在美國公民和居民身上?