A Carol Of Harvest 秋收季節

A Carol Of Harvest 秋收季節

A SONG of the good green grass!
A song no more of the city streets;
A song of farms--a song of the soil of fields.

A song with the smell of sun-dried hay, where the nimble pitchers
handle the pitch-fork;
A song tasting of new wheat, and of fresh-husk'd maize.

For the lands, and for these passionate days, and for myself,
Now I awhile return to thee, O soil of Autumn fields,
Reclining on thy breast, giving myself to thee,
Answering the pulses of thy sane and equable heart,
Tuning a verse for thee. 10

O Earth, that hast no voice, confide to me a voice!
O harvest of my lands! O boundless summer growths!
O lavish, brown, parturient earth! O infinite, teeming womb!
A verse to seek, to see, to narrate thee.

-From Leaves Of Grass. A Carol Of Harvest For 1867  by Walt Whitman

Taken at a Beijing suburb in 1998年攝於北京郊區。

Taken at a Beijing suburb in 1998年攝於北京郊區。

The Power of Truthful Story Telling 真實的力量

The Power of Truthful Story Telling 真實的力量

